Setting Up Mac OS X Tiger for Web Development

Setting up a new Mac as a web development workstation takes a little bit more work than just installing Textmate. These are my notes of the process (mainly for myself to make future installations faster).

The Basics

  • Install TextMate
    • Configure Finder to open ALL possible coding-related documents with TM
    • Install also the terminal extention. Test by running mate foo.txt in terminal
    • Install or sync (with other machines) all necassary bundles. They are located in ~/Library/Application Support/Textmate
  • Install Transmit
    • Copy settings from other machines ~/Library/Preferences/com.panic.Transmit3.plist
    • Sync bookmarks
  • Install SSHKeychain
    • The Universal binary is there. Just not very well in sight.
  • Install Subversion
  • Install MySQL
  • PostgreSQL, if needed
  • Install PHP for bundled Apache 1.3

Setting Up Python

Setting Up Django

I like to live dangerously. So:

 svn co django_src ln -s /path/to/installation_directory/django_src/django /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.4/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django

That’s it. Django works. Now add export PYTHONPATH=/where/you/develop to your .bash_profile and finally copy django_src/django/bin/ to somewhere in your path (for example in /usr/local/bin).

Localization issues

Are We There Yet?

Unfortunately that’s just the nerdy part of the setup-process. Next up is installing browsers, browser plugins (did I hear Firebug?) and all that jazz. I’m not going to get into those in this post, though.

I recenty listed all my favourite apps in (you can log in via OpenID). Please share your comments, suggestions or own favourite apps in the comments.

Enhancing registering experience with django.contrib.localflavor

Usability is very much about little stuff. That kind of things that you normally don’t even think about. Here is a small snippet of code that I used in a project where I wanted to pre-select a users location (city) on a registering form. has the necessary data and a very straightforward API. The newly-added django.contrib.localflavor package in Django helps with the other part of the data.

This is the small method for geolocating the IP address:

def _get_city_for_ip(ip):     """     Uses to get a city name from IP     """     import urllib     import mimetools      url = '' % ip     fp = urllib.urlopen(url)     headers = mimetools.Message(fp, 0)     fp.close()     return headers.dict['city'].lower()

and a stripped-down view code for generating and displaying the form:

class ProfileForm(forms.Form):     from import MUNICIPALITY_CHOICES     ...     cities = [('none_selected', 'Please Select a city')] + list(MUNICIPALITY_CHOICES)     location = forms.ChoiceField(required=False, choices=cities)  def profile(request):     """ Presents and validates the profile form """     u = request.user      # Only do geolocating if the profile has no location info     location = u.get_profile().location     if len(location) < 2:         location = _get_city_for_ip(request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'])      form = ProfileForm(initial={'location': location})     return render_to_response('users/profile_form.html', locals())

I’m sure this code can be tweaked quite a bit from this. Currently it uses Finnish localflavor code to get a list of Finnish municipalities, add a ‘Please Select a city’ choice to the beginning of it, and then tries to match a geolocated city against it. If no match is found, it defaults to ‘Please Select a city’. But if a match is found, user is presented a select field with the City matching his current IP-address pre-selected.

Django 0.96 released

The 0.96 version of Django has just been released. Quoting the announcement from the Django weblog,

The primary goal for 0.96 was a cleanup and stabilization of the features introduced in 0.95. The release notes cover the few backwards-incompatible changes, but for most people the upgrade process should be simple. has been running on the SVN version for a while now and I’m very excited about the next phase that will be starting now that 0.96 is out of the door. The last push for 1.0 will include some major backward-incombatible changes. Most, if not all, of these are described in Version one features wiki page. Among others, these features include the newforms-library that was introduced in 0.96, completely rewritten admin framework based on the newforms-library, generic relations and lots of other interesting stuff.

Congrats to all Django-devs for this release!

PS. “So when will Django 1.0 be released?” – It’ll be ready when it’s ready.

Healing Growing Pains With Django

When launched back in 2000, the interweb looked quite a bit different. During this time has changed a lot, too. I wrote earlier about taking the jump to a Django-powered site. Here are some experiences from the journey so far.

At first there were only a bunch of static HTML pages. Then came the server-side includes, and soon after that came PHP. At first it was .php3, then .phtml, eventually just .php. In 2006 I moved the site to dedicated server and finally got some long lusted Django-love going on. So now everything is finally good, right? Well, not quite. Unlike most of other sites seem to do, I don’t want to lose the old stuff. I hate linkrot and even more I hate sites that delete (good or bad) content just because it’s convenient to do so. This means that I’m now stuck with this great server full of ancient sh*t that needs to be taken care of. (No, not that way.)

Evolving URLs

After learning Django and Python for about a year now, I’m beginning to understand how great these tools really are. Firstly, Djangos URL dispatcher is fan-freakin’-tastic. It’s very easy to set redirects to old URLs and make custom (and smart) 404 handlers to different parts of the site. It’s also very easy to get realtime information about possible broken links, which is important. Writing custom views to handle legacy URLs semi-smartly is an easy way to get rid of old crufty URLs.

For example, I had a Movable Type installation for my mobile photoblog from 2003 that had URLs like /photoapp/archives/2003/06/28/foo.php. Being perfectionist about URLs, I wanted to evolve these pages to something like /photoapp/2003/06/foo/, which is more logical, much shorter and cruft-free. I exported the MT-data to a new Django app, wrote short URLconf for the old URLs and a view that looks something like this:

 def oldphoto_redirect(request, year, month, day, slug):     """     Redirects old MT-URLs to new format "smartly".     If a correct match is not found, raise a 404.     """     try:         photo = NewPhoto.public_objects.get(date_taken__year=year, date_taken__month=month, date_taken__day=day)         return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect('/photoapp/%s/%s/%s/' % (year, month, photo.photo_id))     except NewPhoto.DoesNotExist:         # If no entries match, raise 404         raise Http404     except AssertionError:         # If many entries match         raise Http404

Now 95% of the old URLs are redirected automagically to new URL, with a correct HTTP status code (301). The rest five percent of the cases are URLs that have more than one post in a single day. They will get a custom 404 page that explains why the pages are moved, where they are, and that I have been informed about this 404. When I get a 404 email from Django, I’ll add these few URLs manually to URLconf. This system healed itself in less than a week. Oh, joy!

(Unfortunately this site is almost entirely in Finnish, but it shouldn’t stop you from browsing trough the new photo site that has been knit together from two different photoblogs, added to Flickr, fully tagged, and enhanced in many ways. Among other things, the new app includes full Flickr catalog duplicated locally on the server, automatic synchronization with Flickr, automatic resizing of images in various sizes (see homepage), favourites and ratings for logged-in users, livesearch feature and much more.)

Harmonizing static content

Second great thing about Django and Python is, well, Python 🙂 There are tons of great libraries for Python. One that I’ve totally fallen in love with is Beautiful Soup. In addition of various PHP and Perl powered dynamic parts of old, there are also hundreds of statical pages that I don’t want to keep on the main site anymore. I’ve started to archive these pages to a dedicated archive, and at the same time I’m officially washing my hands about keeping those pages up to date. As a perfectionist, I want to tell this to my visitors too. But I’m just not going to edit hundreds of these files manually.

I’ve been playing with an idea that I’d process all these static HTML-files with a python script that would do something like:

  • Add a note about archive status (something like “This page has been archived for historical reasons and is no longer maintained. Current content can be found from the front page.“) in a DIV right after <body>-tag
  • Parse SSI-includes into the page
  • Check for broken links and fix all trivial internal links
  • Convert old image links from /images/* to*
  • Validate the final output

This all would actually be fairly easy to do with little help from Beautiful Soup and some mind expanding regexps. And how cool would it be to have over seven years worth of archived static content, all valid and with no broken internal links 🙂

To be continued… is a personal site and a hobby. These kind of things are fun to do. The best part is that sometimes it’s even more fun to do it for paying customers, in more complex projects and under a strict schedule.

I’ll keep on reporting on my progress with Djangofying My goal is to have the whole site on Django (meaning that all dynamic data is served by Django and all the other data is archived in some way) by the end of this year. At the moment I’m about 40% there so there’s definitely a lot more to do. If you have any comments or ideas, please share them!

Unicode and Django RSS Framework

Unicode issues are the most annoying thing about Django. Here is one workaround for a bug in Django RSS framework.

I have migrated my Ma.gnolia bookmarks and Flickr photos into this site. Both services have tags that have what Django devs call “funky characters”, that is non-ascii characters in them. Getting these into the database unchanged was one pain in the butt itself, but after that, I wanted to make my own feeds for both Ma-gnolia and Flickr tags with Djangos wonderful syndication framework. Turns out that the framework don’t play well with urls that have funky characters.

The problem is in the feed class that adds automatically appropriate ‘http://’ prefixes in front of any urls that need them. On creation, the feed object it is passed with request object that has unencoded path attribute which throws an uncatched exception when there are funky characters in the url. Adding the site domain to it before passing it to the feed class circumvents the problem.

This is my (stripped down) feeds view:

 from django.contrib.syndication.views import feed  def my_feeds(request, url):     from unessanet.links.feeds import *     from import *      unessanet_feed_dict = {         'linkit': LatestBookmarks,         'valokuvat': LatestPhotos,         'valokuvatagi': PhotosForTag,     }      # Fixes a bug in syndication framework     request.path = '' + request.path     return feed(request, url, unessanet_feed_dict)

Now the feeds render properly. Almost.

A feed with an unquoted url does not validate. It may work, but it doesn’t validate. To fix this, just escape the url with quote function found in urllib module.

This is my feed class for photo tags:

 class PhotosForTag(Feed):      description_template = "feeds/latest_photos_description.html"     title_template = "feeds/latest_photos_title.html"      def get_object(self, bits):         if len(bits) != 1:             raise ObjectDoesNotExist         tag = bits[0]         return PhotoTag.objects.get(tag=tag)      def title(self, obj):         return " Valokuvat: %s" % obj.tag      def link(self, obj):         # Quote the url so the feed validates         from urllib import quote         return '' % quote(obj.tag)      def description(self, obj):         return " Valokuvat: %s" % obj.tag      def items(self, obj):         return obj.flickrphoto_set.filter(is_public=True)[:10]

Note that the quoted part of the url must be unicode or otherwise you’ll end up with a broken url. But after these fixes, the feeds work as expected — with or withouth funky characters.

I really, really hope that Django will be converted to use nothing but unicode strings before the long waited 1.0 release.

Nokia Sucks

In May I wrote about running Django on a mobile phone. That was in theory. But, after todays Macworld Keynote, turns out that soon you can do it for real.

Apple’s new iPhone runs on OS X. That means it can run Python. And that means that it can run Django, too. How cool is that! By the way, Nokia being Finnish company, our crown jewl, Finns tend to follow the mobile trends quite actively. In Finland a very large percentage of phones are sold withouth a contract so we’re used to high prices too. For example, I paid 720 euros (about $860) for my Nokia N93, about a week after it was published (now it costs about 600 euros). Compared to iPhone, selling $499 and $599 with two year contract in US, my relatively new Nokia seems now like totally useless piece of crap. Sure, it’s not any less good today than it was yesterday, but after seeing what Apples first mobile phone can do, I’m ashamed of being a Finn.

I mean, come on! Nokia has been developing nothing but mobile phones (and other technology involving mobile communication) for more than a decade, and the best that they can do is what? N95? Oh my. Need to go to sauna. Now.

Update: Turns out that my odd desire to run Django on a mobile phone doesn’t happen with iPhone, either. You cannot install or make your own apps for it. Which sucks. Need to go to sauna. Again.

Django Tip: Custom Admin Templates

One of Django’s best assets is its extensive and very good documentation. However, there are few cases where the documentation is lacking or totally missing. Customizing the automatic admin interface is one of these cases.

In the official Django documentation there are FAQs titled How can I customize the functionality of the admin interface? and The dynamically-generated admin site is ugly! How can I change it?. What they explain, in a nutshell, is that you can use custom JavaScript to add functionality, and modify the CSS to customize how the admin looks. Latter also points to a new documentation page titled Customizing the Django admin interface. All these pages fail to mention, however, that you can customize the templates too.

Even the Django tutorial mentions the possibility of overriding the basic admin templates — just like you can do with any other app. But modifying a template admin-wide is not always enough. Wouldn’t it be great to override templates per-app basis, just like with generic views? Well, turns out you can do exactly that.

The change_list.html and change_form.html templates can be overridden on per app and per object basis. That means that you can customize a template for not only for a specific app, but for a specific model, too. This is very handy!

To override a template with your own, copy the original to your templates directory in one of these locations:

  • admin/<app_label>/<object_name>/change_form.html
  • admin/<app_label>/change_form.html
  • admin/change_form.html

The admin templates have also very flexible blocks built in so you can just extend the original template and override just the blocks you want if you don’t want to write the whole template yourself. This way you can keep the custom template code very nice and clean.

With custom templatetags and custom templates, the possibilities of customizing the Django admin interface are endless. That said, it’s also good to remember that the automatic admin is not perfect for everything. If you feel that it doesn’t quite cut it, just write your own admin views. With the newforms-library that they are cooking at the Django HQ, it’s not only easy, but truly fun.

Further reading

  • NewAdminChanges – A wiki page that explains some of the functionality in the admin app
  • /trunk/django/contrib/admin – The best way of learning things is to look inside. Browse trough the admin app code — just to see that its really just an ordinary (well, not really) Django app.


I’ve just published a new design on this blog. First version was a good start but I think that the new design brings it much closer to what I originally was looking for.

Idea for the big footer is stolen from Jeff Croft, whose site is a great demonstration of what can be accomplished with Django and some imagination. Front page is now a bit different than other pages, and comments had some loving too. The main focus has been on simplicity. And, like always, it’s far from finished.

(A note to IE users: I’m almost certain that something here breaks with your crappy browser. Frankly, I don’t care. After fighting those stupid IE bugs and other historical CSS quirks all day long for client sites, it’s very refreshing to ignore them on a personal site. So no love for your broken browser from here. Not now, not ever. Upgrade to a real browser, get a Mac, or die whining. Thank You. PS. If something breaks with Opera, OmniWeb or some other cool browser, please let me know!)

After the first release at November, there have been quite many upgrades under the hood along the way. Tags can now be viewed in a cloud and individual tag pages have related links (links with same tags) attached. There is an RSS-feed for each tag also. To be 2.0-credible, I integrated my data to a local database and pull it to the footer and (at the moment very unstyled) a dedicated music page.

The best is yet to come

This blog has become my personal sandbox for Django development. I’ve experimented with some AJAXy stuff with my own comments app and a basic inline editing proof of concept (a quicktime demo), both of which I hopefully get soon in shape for giving back to community as open source. I’m planning to write up more Django tips in the future to point out some cool but undocumented features that I’ve been playing with lately.

Trying to share data between Finnish and English parts of the site has proven to be a bit tricky. For example the links in the footer may (or may not) look odd if you can’t read Finnish. These kind of things are becoming more important in a world where people from different backgrounds meet on the Web, so I’m sure there will be some i18n topics in this blog in the future.

As always, comments and suggestions are very welcome!

I Want My Preferences Online

Yet another interesting video from Google: this time it’s Guido talking about a code reviewing app that he’s been developing for Googles internal use. What’s interesting about this, is the fact that he used Djangos templates for building the UI.

During his presentation Guido mentioned a very common usability problem in modern software: it’s often very hard to use an easily configurable program on other persons computer (because it behaves very diffrently than what you are used to). In his example, Guido mentioned Emacs, I was thinking about TextMate.

I absolutely love TextMate, but I hate the fact that when I’m using it on somebody elses computer, it feels like using a totally different program. And it’s not just text editors. Nowadays, I find it very hard to use Mac OS X withouth QuickSilver. And what can you do with QuickSilver that is not trained to do exactly the things that you want? Not very much. This problem of adaptive software is quite universal.

This is hardly news to anobody. Usability people haven been talking about this for years, but why is it that nobody haven’t come up with any decent solution for it yet? Come on, it’s not like we’re living in eighties anymore. We have this web 2.0 thingy with the tubes and all.

Give me a way to use my TextMate with my own settings and preferences from any computer. Well, at least on any computer running on Mac OS X 🙂