Hello Gridsome!

The publishing frequency of this blog has been somewhat .. irregular to say the least. The previous attempt to bring it to life didn’t quite catch on in the end as a positive problem called life got in the way. But now there’s been just too long break from blogging in English for me so I had to revitalize this project once more. Cue Gridsome.

Gridsome is an interesting static site generator built for Vue. It can read all kinds of data sources from REST APIs to Markdown files and then build the end result as a fully static site that can be deployed very easily pretty much anywhere. I opted for Netlify as I’ve found it super easy and reliable way to host static sites straight from GitLab.

The migration from a fully dynamic Django site to a fully static Vue site was a somewhat interesting experience, I’m planning to write about it in near future. But for now, here’s to yet another awakening of the Hoyci Blog!